
Internationale Hundeausstellung - 19.6.2016 - Offene Klasse

Bewertung: V3           Mrs Rosmarie Wild

5 jähriger Rüde von sehr gutem Rassetyp. Maskuliner Kopf und korrekte Proportionen. Scherengebiss. Sehr schöner Nacken und Ober- und Unterlinie. Korrekte Vor- und Nachhandwinkelungen, korrekte Haartextur, gute Pfoten.

Nationale & Internationale Hundeausstellung - 18.6.2016 - Offene Klasse

Bewertung: V2 res. CAC   Mr Kalvo Kriisk

Correct size, correct bite, lovely maskuline head. Well set ears, ex. bones, correct topline. Litte bit low tailset. Good pigmentation, well front rear, good coat quality. To close behind, move short steps. Correct tailset when moving. Exellent temp., well presented.

RCS Clubshow Aarau 2015 - 7.6.2015 - Offene Klasse

Bewertung: SG   Mr Pedersen

Nice head and expression. Good neck und topline, bit low tailset. Normal shoulder, straight in upper arm, good chest. Would like better hind angulation, good bone. White to high. Nice coat. Moving a bit cowhock.

RCS 20. Weihnachtsausstellung - 13.12.2014 - Offene Klasse

Bewertung: V3   Frau R. Wild

Sehr schöner Rassetyp mit gut geschnittenem Kopf. Scherengebiss. Korrekte Aussenlinien und Winkelungen. Vorzügliche Haartextur. Fliessender Bewegungsablauf. In der Hinterhand leicht eng.

RCS 19. Weihnachtsausstellung - 08.12.2013 - Offene Klasse

Bewertung: V4   Mrs A.Chr. Johansson

Very nice head and expression. Good neck and topline. Exc. body. Could have some more angulations. Good bones. A little cowhooked. Could move with more reach and drive. Exc. coat.

NHA Aarau - 24. Juni 2012 - Offene Klasse

Bewertung: V1 CAC  Frau S. Vukovicd

22 month old + v.nice; v.typical head, v. lovely expression, nicely built; good prop + balance; exc. coat + color; lovely temperament + ex. on the move; would prefer more bone on him

RCS 31. Clubshow Burgdorf - 15.4.2012  - Offene Klasse

Bewertung: V2 ResCAC  Mrs. Connie Svane

19 months, very nice picture with good head und expression, good ear set, strong neck and shoulder, good top line and tail set, strong body, nice deep chest, exc. bone and feet, very well angulated in front and back, exc. mover, exc coat, good temperament

RCS 17. Weihnachtsausstellung - 11.12.2011 - Jugendklasse

Bewertung: V1 JCAC; BJOB  -  Mrs Diana Leigh Scott

15 months, well developed for age. well proportioned head. good bite. strong neck and shoulders. excellent ribs for age. strong bone and feet. excellent topline. excellent tail + tail carriage. good quality coat. good movement.

IHA St. Gallen  -  15.5.2011  -  Jüngstenklasse

Bewertung: VV1 Jüngstensieger  -  Herr J.-R. Sauge

​8 1/2 month and very prom. puppy male; sweet head, good neck, front and bone; level topline; good hindquarters; moves well; lovely coat

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